Friday, August 19, 2011

Bright Spots

Moments that I want to remember of my girls right now.  Things that I will most likely forget by next week and will feel bad for not remembering.  I need to cherish these little things.

Miss L

  • Trying to do the cha-cha with Angelina Ballerina. "1, 2 cha-cha - 2, 2 cha- cha"  I hope to get a video.
  • Hugging and tickling her sister without being prompted.
  • Trying to help set the table with an enthusiastic and happy heart.
  • Not wearing diapers
  • Wanting Daddy to chase her and the giggles that ensue

Miss A

  • All of a sudden catching on to how the sippy cup works (we are weaning in a couple of weeks!)
  • Following her sister everywhere.
  • Learning how to take some steps with the toy grocery cart and being so excited about it.
  • Sleeping with Baby Moose.
  • Belly laughs when people take a deep breath like they are going to blow really hard, or when Miss L blows on the harmonica.
The laughter that floats down the hallway while I finish making dinner and my three favorite people are having a tickle fest on our bed or playing in the fresh laundry.


  1. Oh, yes, so precious! Do cherish these moments! How blessed we are today to be able to save them so easily thru a blog --- and to give others a glimpse of the true joys of life. God is good!

  2. Those are the tings i try and cherish too i have a journal that i write things in and when i feel overwhelmed by life i take a breath and read whats they have accomplished and realize that they will only be little for a while and before i realize it they will be all grown up. I look at their faces and i see that they are the best of both me and ryan and hope they realize how much they were wanted and loved. I have know you for years Jess and always think of you as one my my oldest and dearest friends and I am inspired by your positive attitude and giving heart and i just wanted you to know that

  3. I was holding Conrad in my arms earlier as he was falling asleep, I wanted to sear it in my mind's eye: the way he looked and how he felt. I love loving my children, I don't think I gladly, joyfully and graciously loved my children until I understood God's love for me in a deep and powerful way.

    I love seeing you enjoy and love your girls. It's beautiful.
