Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's Time for Saying Good-Bye

I debated whether to write anything about some friends leaving for a new adventure in life.  I was doing fine then someone (ahem, Luma) made a small post on her blog about the same family.  Needless to say, I got all chocked up.  Sometimes putting things in writing is good closure for the soul.  This family has meant much to us over the years but even longer to my Husband.  They have walked through some of the darkest hours of our lives and through the most gloriously happy moments -- and everything in between.  While I know that we will see them on and off over the years we do have the hope of Heaven.  But it's still hard knowing that they are no longer just five minutes down the road, smiling faces no longer will greet us in church, or an acknowledging smile of special moments when Be Thou My Vision is sung during worship.  It has been a hard thing to accept them leaving but in the midst of it all we have seem the Lord's provision for them and excitement for this new chapter in life.  Hard?  Yes.  Happy?  Sometimes.  Blessed?  Yes!  We are thankful for the seemingly short time we had with them.  I have to remember those words often.

Anyway, to kind of lighten the mood... only slightly... I remembered this song from The Muppets take Manhattan.  The Muppets are like Hallmark, they have something for every occasion... well, almost.  And, well, I love the muppets.  Of course, when I saw this video I started to cry.  I think I just came to the realization that they are gone (even though we will see them in a few weeks...sheesh!) and it's no longer an impending date of departure.

This has been a good way to process my feelings a bit... those that I didn't realize were kind of bubbling under the surface.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I can so relate! That's how I felt when the D's left us. So wonderful to be blessed with friends who feel more like family.
