Friday, January 4, 2008

Welcome 2008.. even if a bit late!

Sorry, I couldn't help myself in the rhyming department. ha ha ha!!

There has been a lot to reflect on since the posting of the last blog. We had to take a bit of a hiatus in blogging just so we could fully enjoy the Advent and Christmas Season. I very much enjoy the planning and anticipation of it all. What a way to really emphasize the eager anticipation we should be filled with day to day as we celebrate the first coming of our Savior as we wait on the arrival of His second. We are still working through how we would like our celebrations and festivities to look now and in the future. But there is grace in that this was only our second Christmas and room to let things "go with the flow." Above all, we want Christ to be the focus of our celebration. Not what society has made it out to be as some commercial free-for-all that tends to focus on how much we get and how big the toy... a celebration that focuses on what God did... the sacrifice, the creativity, the humbleness... Not on a magical man with reindeer than we can hoodwink children into behaving for (if you celebrate Santa, that is fine, it's just been lately that I hear different things in the stores to get kiddos to behave rather than good ol' fashion discipline and respect.)

With all that to say we did have a delightful time with friends and family... enjoying each other, laughing, loving, eating, and more. We always look forward to the holiday season here. It is indeed an anticipatory time for on so many levels. Already, we look forward to Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas for 2008... and yes, we are well aware that the year just started. We closed out 2007 with a quick trip to San Diego and Sea World. We spent a quite evening at home and we did manage to watch the ball drop with much energy to spare. Although, we did sleep in quite a bit the next morning! (Side Note: New pictures are up in Flickr... if you would like an invitation to that site, please just ask through the comments section)

We, like you, have no idea what this year will hold for us. I am sure great joys and probably great sadness. But the Lord is sufficient in all things and all things He has ordained. We are excited about this year and what the Lord may do. We are anxious to see where He will lead and pray that we would always see His fingerprints on the events of our lives. We look forward to travel (although, probably not as much as last year), time with friends and family. We love worshipping with our church and we always look forward to the Sabbath with great delight.
I think 2008 is off to a great start... lots will happen in our family I am sure, local events will effect us this year in some form or fashion... as will events at the national and worldwide level. However, in it all we can trust that our God is in control.

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